
Silverstack for windows
Silverstack for windows


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  • Pomfort Silverstack Lab lets you prepare your dailies with automated audio sync and look matching functionalities. This hugely accelerates the dailies process.

    silverstack for windows

    This way I can get started working on the footage before it’s even done downloading. Accessing the Second Display When a second display is attached to your machine, you can show an additional user interface by selecting Second Display from the Window menu. The minute Silverstack starts downloading footage, it’s immediately available for QC, sound sync, metadata management, colour grading.


    Either on set, near set or in post production environments Silverstack lets you instantly secure data, preview source material, and create all kinds of reports based on one central metadata library. Silverstack Lab 6.5.1 Crack Mac Osx silverstack, silverstack lab, silverstack knife, silverstackers, silverstack vs shotput pro, silverstack offload manager, silver. Silverstack XT and Silverstack Lab offer the possibility to extend the Silverstack user interface to two screens. YoYotta software runs on macOS, with support for macOS 10.13 High Sierra to macOS 12 Monterey. We are based in Greenwich, London and our software is also called YoYotta. Silverstack Lab lets you quickly upload your clips to a Frame.io project. Silverstack is the most comprehensive software for securely backing up footage and ingesting data in a fast, organized, and transparent way. YoYotta create macOS and cloud workflow software for the production and post industries.On the asset management side, it enables you to quickly offload, backup, organize, and process your media (and its metadata) whether you’re on set, or off. Please note that there is no backwards compatibility from Unity 5 projects made in 5.x will not open in 4.x. Silverstack Lab is designed to save you time and reduce the stress of media management and dailies production for crew on a tight deadline.

    silverstack for windows


    From this page you can download the previous versions of Unity for both Unity Personal and Pro (if you have a Pro license, enter in your key when prompted after installation).

    silverstack for windows

    Buy Pomfort Silverstack Lab V6 (Download, Permanent) featuring Complete On-Set Data Management for Film, Data Management + Dailies Processing, Secure Copy with Common Checksum Methods, In-Depth Metadata Acquisition & Editing, Support for All Major Camera Formats, Clip Transfer to Various 3rd-Party Tools, Advanced Grading & ACES Color Processing, Advanced Audio Handling.

    Silverstack for windows